Sunday, January 29, 2017

Two track, flowers, firetowers

There are rides that you take just for fun.  I've talked/typed a fair amount about biking for utility and I think that using a bike to get stuff done is great - but, pardon me, I just like to ride, and make no apology for that.

Yesterday I went out for a short ride and, as usual, didn't know exactly where I was going when I started - I just knew I wanted to go.

Years ago, when I first moved to the area, I went for a ride with my then girlfriend's (now wife) dad.  We went looking for a fire tower not too far from here up in the national forest.  We didn't find it (it's been decommissioned, I'm pretty sure) but did find a little sandy two track that I've always been wanting to go back and ride but never have.

It's been a long time coming riding out on this sandy lane.

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I came across some blackberries on a bike ride
On the way home I found some ripe blackberries.

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